Социальное воспитание
Электронный научный журнал

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"Социальное воспитание" 

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ISSN International Centre

Журнал зарегистрирован в 

ISSN International Centre

ISSN 2310-225X (Online)

ISSN 2310-2225 (Print)






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Библиотеки журнала "Социальное воспитание" - ISSN 2313-4658

При цитировании материалов Библиотеки

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Психологические науки
Hoian Ihor Nikolaevich 1, Storozhuk Svitlana Volodymyrivna 2

1. Vasiliy Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).
2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (Kyiv, Ukraine)


The article deals with the specificity of social construing of gender as well as with the role and meaning of the biological factor for this process. Within this context the am¬bivalent correlation between the biological and the social in the process of the social con¬struing of gender is proved. We claim that should one of the above mentioned factors be excluded, gender relations get distorted resulting in gender discrimination at the level of social being. The research reveals that the social construing of gender is reflected, first of all, on the social roles of men and women being grounded rationally within the given culture on the basis of rational issues, symbols and axiological perspective on the meaning of men and women in society. The social perspective of construing gender relations can refer to equality, respect, social justice, cooperation, since it is structured rationally through the conscious recognition of the essence of men and women and their values

Keywords: Gender, unity of biological and social, biological construing of gender, social construing of gender.

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