Социальное воспитание
Электронный научный журнал

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"Социальное воспитание" 

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ISSN International Centre

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ISSN International Centre

ISSN 2310-225X (Online)

ISSN 2310-2225 (Print)






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Библиотеки журнала "Социальное воспитание" - ISSN 2313-4658

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Исторические науки
THE MAIN LESSON On the 75th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad
Devyatykh Sergey Yurievich 1

1. Scientific journal «Social Upbringing»


During the Great Patriotic war, in the besieged Leningrad Soviet school in the face of teachers and students adequately fulfilled its mission - to educate the person of the new Soviet society.

Keywords: the siege of Leningrad, the great Patriotic war, the Soviet school, Soviet teachers

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